After a fantastic
first half term as Year 2´s, the children have begun the second term positive,
happy and ready to learn.
This week we have
continued our learning on measurement focusing on capacity.
Follow this link
to continue practising reading and interpreting jugs.
Antarctica… our
new topic this half term is Antarctica. We have begun looking at the difference
in temperatures, the clothing we would have to wear and the types of materials
we would need to keep ourselves warm.
Next week I will
introduce the children to Ernest Shackleton.
RWI we have
been recapping the ´kn´ sound.
Recap words with ´kn´ sound at the
beginning. How many words can they think of?
Gentle reminder:
As the children
have been doing extremely well with their spelling quizzes I will be giving the
children 10 spellings to learn each week rather than 6.
Tomorrow I will
give the children a clear folder for them to put their homework in.
Now that the
children have completed their first assessments I will be giving them targets
to work on. These targets will either be English or maths targets. Their
targets will be in their homework folder and any extra work they are given will
also be placed in this folder.