Wednesday 5 February 2020

This week


After two weeks looking at multiplication, we will now be focusing on division in 2s, 5s and 10s. Although we will be recapping the recall of the times tables in school, it is important that they are practising these at home. Some children have told me that they have been practising at home... this is great! We are always using our times table facts to support us with our division.


For example:


5 x 2= 10      so    10 ÷ 2= 5


How to support:


If your child is still unsure how to do this, use the following methods we have use this in class so all children would have seen and used this method!




Draw 5 lots of 2. The children can then count the dots in 2s. (You can apply this to the 2s, 5s and 10s)


  10 ÷ 2= 5


Draw 10 dots. Group them in groups of 2. Count how many groups of 2 they have. (You can apply this to the 2s, 5s and 10s)






Follow the link to play some times table games online!


Focus on the 2s, 5s and 10s. However, if your child is confident with those times table and wants a challenge... try another times table!



Our sound this week will be -ure.

Pure, sure, mixture, picture, secure are some examples of words with this sound.

Please continue to work with your children on the sounds below ensuring they are confident with the sounds and the rhymes:

In writing, we have started to look closely at persuasive writing. This week we are looking at the text, finding adjectives, verbs and commas in a list

If you would like some stories to read with your child follow this link!


OPTIONAL EXTRA TASK (remember you can hand this in on Friday)

As part of our grammar and punctuation lessons, we have focused on contractions. Contractions are two words which are combined to make one.  We use an apostrophe to replace one or two letters.

For example:

Have not --> haven´t

Do not --> don´t

Will not -->won´t

Can you think  of anymore contracted words? Make a list and use them in a sentence!

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